Upcoming Events:

Vise President
Sarah NusbaumTreasurer

PR / Historian
FBLA is committed to preparing today's middle and high school students to become the business and community leaders of tomorrow. Over 5,000 students Statewide from 160 chapters around the state participate in events, conferences, and competitions. Students gain critical business skills, complete community service projects, network with businesses, and learn the leadership skills that are in high demand in the workplace. More than any other Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO), Washington FBLA is student-driven. Students choose to compete in several of over 70 different competitive events across the career skill spectrum. Students can also run for Chapter, State, and even National offices. Toutle Lake is known to be one of the leading Chapters in the State qualifying our students for State and National competitions. From Marketing, Website Development, Coding, Sports & Entertainment, Business Ethics presentations, to Public Speaking and Team events, it is a great network for your student to build on workplace skills to creating confidence. For membership please see Ms, Grant and submit your annual dues before October 1, School Year of $20 made out to Toutle Lake High School.
If interested: Contact Ms. Grant at [email protected]
contact Ms. Grant