T.L.H. » T.L.H.



"The year of 2017-18 group of former Prevention Team club members have came to the conclusion of what our purpose is, and how to make that appealing to our fellow peers. For this past year, our group has been talking about how to get more people involved and to care about what we are doing. We made endless plans and had great ideas that just never seemed to follow through. Our first approach was to change the name of the “Prevention Team” after making the conclusion that our purpose in this group was no longer that.

We first changed the name, but it did not exactly stick and again did not fit for what we were trying to say. We all agreed that we did not want to be the typical youth group or awareness leaders to inform others on basically what kids our age already know. Meaning by using the word ‘prevention’ people are instantly reminded of what not to do like doing drugs, drinking alcohol, and preventing bullying e.t.c. From this we concluded that hearing all the choices and consequences do not stick and are not taken seriously for the majority of people, especially adolescents.

Our generation has grown up around people telling us what not to do, and then repeating the same consequences and outcomes that most of us have been hearing since the start of school. For example someone that informs kids by giving statistics of what alcohol can do to the brain and why bullying should be taken seriously. Clearly and importantly, those things are qualities of life which are things that should be taken seriously and everyone should be informed about it. But instead we wanted to find a different approach to this matter. And why? Because as a group we believe that a person knows when they are doing something that is wrong. But reminding us why certain decisions we make is bad will not keep all kids from doing it. It's easier to experience consequences from your actions and learn from them, then being told about it. And it's harder these days to bring awareness to upcoming generations, to keep them interested and to take it all seriously. Because it's much more appealing to be inspired and admired by a person from positivity than listening to reasons why certain decisions we make is bad. We named our group TLH- which stands for, “Taking Leaders Higher” and represents exactly what we want to people to see."

-Megan Bunn

Club Officers:

Club Members:
Past Events:

Homeless Blanket Drive

Youth Summit

Changed the image of the Prevention Team



“ Our goal is to strengthen leadership roles not just in the Toutle Lake high school, but the whole community. We believe that doing projects and events that represent positive aspects will inspire others to do the same, and do the right thing. Anyone can be a leader, and if we work together leadership can have a bigger meaning then it does now.”



There are meetings every Wednesday inside the library.

"We will bring leadership projects and events starting next fall of 2018, in hope to better teen leadership skills and members of our community."

-Megan Bunn

Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhvECGQA3XA/?taken-by=takingleadershigher